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He likes watching. Captive #MidWeekTease #Suspense #Romantica

Happy Hump Day, sweeties.

For this week's mid-week tease, I've gone back to the Challenge series and Captive which is book 4.

In this scene, Anuli wants to buy a gun from Bosco but doesn't have the full cash so volunteers alternative payment when Tope turns up.


Title: Captive (Challenge series, book 4)

Genre: Erotic Suspense


With her BFF and ex-lover now happily engaged to the man of her dreams, Anuli Okoro is left to her own devices. She's accepted that there can never be a fairy tale ending for her. She's too damaged to ever fit with anyone else.

Until she pushes too far and lands herself in hot water with Tope Balogun, an annoyingly sexy man who sees the darkness inside her and isn't fazed by it. Fighting him doesn't work because he seems to know her too well.

She has plans to deal with her dark past and the only option is to escape before Tope totally consumes her.


Now for the teaser.

“Mr Bosco, how are we going to do this? Maybe I should bring your balance tomorrow.” She clutched her purse to her side.

“That’s not what we agreed. It’s payment on delivery.” He grinned at her.

“You want to collect the balance now?” Her voice rang with shock.

“Of course. That’s what we agreed. Otherwise you leave the gun and come back when you’re ready to pay the full price. Mind you the price might go up next time.” He winked at her.

He was blackmailing her. Damn him. Damn Tope. Did they plan this? How was that possible?

She turned her glare on Tope, dropping her bag on the sofa. “You do realise that I’m supposed to pay him in kind. Through sex.”

“That’s one option. Or you could admit that you’re my woman. And I’ll pay the balance for you.”

“Are you fucking deaf? I’m not your woman. Get over it.” The whole thing was beginning to irritate her.

“In that case, get on the bed and let Bosco fuck you.” He pointed at the divan.

She raised one brow, hands akimbo. “And you’re just going to sit there?”

“Yes. It shouldn’t matter. You say you’re not mine and Bosco invited me to be here. So go ahead.” He waved his hand as if urging her on. “I like watching anyway.”


Did you enjoy the teaser? Let me know what you think in the comments.

Please add Captive to your Goodreads TBR.

Find out more and see buy links for Captive.

Don't forget to check out the fab writers participating in Mid Week Tease, thanks to Angelica Dawson.

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