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Keeping the two personalities separate was key to her survival #MidWeekTease #AARomance

Happy Hump Day, sweeties.

For this week's mid-week tease, I've gone back to the Challenge series and Worthy which is book 3.

This is the scene where Tessa meets Peter.


Title: Worthy (Challenge series, book 3)

Genre: Contemporary Romance, Erotic


Tessa Obum and her best friend, Anuli, are linked by a dark secret that could destroy them if it ever comes to light. Men are just the means to an end and society shuns women like her. But she's determined to live on her terms and own her future. Until an encounter with the intense Peter has her questioning her choices.

Peter Oranye has never had a challenge he couldn't conquer. Except the death that claimed the only woman he loved. He's been unable to get close to another woman since and his life is focused on growing his business empire. Until Tessa, a sexy bombshell of a woman tumbles into him one night and he's ready to break his abstinence streak.

Getting involved with a woman who won’t let go of her BFF is wrought with dangers, especially when someone else wants to destroy them. When their secrets come to light, will any of them be worthy of the love they crave?


Now for the teaser.

As she came out of the bathroom stall, Tessa caught her reflection in the mirror. In the empty, muted space she glanced at herself again. It was always a shock to see the transformation in her whenever she came out on Friday night. She looked like a different woman from the person she was during the day. During the week.

Now another woman stared back at her with brown tresses of wavy clip-in extensions almost to her hips, smoky dark eyes and sultry red lips. The short-sleeved soft stretch jersey dress moulded onto curves stopping mid-thighs, and her velvet platform shoes made her appear taller than her usual five-feet-eight height.

She stood unrecognisable. She preferred it this way. The person she was on these nights wasn’t who she was for the rest of the time.

Keeping the two personalities, and worlds, separate was key to her survival.

What if you’re discovered? A cold finger skittered down her back, and she shuddered, pushing the thought aside. She didn’t want to entertain the terrible idea tonight or any other night.

She reapplied the ruby red lipstick before hurrying to the door. She needed to get back to the social atmosphere of the club. Friday nights weren’t meant for gloomy self-introspections.

As soon as she stepped out of the door, she collided with someone. An unyielding rock of a person. The force of the impact sent her stumbling back on her stilettos.

“Oh,” the man said and reached for her flailing arms.

Fingers wrapped around her upper arms and tugged. She slammed into the warmth of his compact abs. Breath whooshed out of her lungs, and she clutched his navy silk shirt to get steady.

For a moment, she didn’t move. A little disorientated. A little sucked in by the safety of the body cocooning her. Something made her lean in, close her eyes and suck in a huge breath. A fresh, clean scent filled her nostrils.

Wow. He smelled good. Better than good. Divine. She couldn't remember the last time she stood this close to a man who made her was to nuzzle him and mark her body with his scent of cranberry, lemon, sage and man.

He couldn’t have been in the nightclub for long because the scent of sweat and smoke didn’t linger on his clothes.

There was a smoking ban in enclosed spaces and a sealed designated smokers’ section located in the club. But this late in the evening when everyone buzzed on alcohol and fun, people smoked in the main club area as the ban wasn’t enforced strictly.

“Are you okay?” The sound of his voice rumbled low. It seemed to emanate from his chest.


Did you enjoy the teaser? Let me know what you think in the comments.

Please add Worthy to your Goodreads TBR.

Find out more and see buy links for Worthy.

Don't forget to check out the fab writers participating in Mid Week Tease, thanks to Angelica Dawson.

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